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;The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer. Dodge vt. (1)to move quickly and suddenly to one side in order to avoid being hit, caught, or seen 闪身躲开 He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt. 他向左躲去,没被他的拳头打中。 He dodged to left and didn’t hit by his fist. (2) If you dodge something, you deliberately avoid thinking about it or dealing with it 躲避,逃避 to dodge tax 所有问题都会变小,如果你不是逃避而是勇敢面对. All problems become smaller if you dont dodge them but confront them. ;;In one of the world’s smaller countries, mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year. In one of the world’s biggest countries, euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment, secretly practiced many times more often, and almost never comes to light. Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jails? It is the small one, Holland, which has rules for euthanasia and so can police it effectively. The Dutch doctor broke his country’s rules. There is a moral here for all the countries, and not just for the big death-forbidding country, America. Right now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again. questions: 1. what do one of the world’s smaller countries and one of the world’s biggest countries refer to? 2.what is the attitude of each country toward euthanasia?and what is the practice in each country? ;condemn [k?n?dem] ;comes to light;languish vi.; moral n. The moral of a story or event is what you learn from it about how you should or should not behave.(由故事、事件引出的)道德训诫,寓意 ;In January the Journal of the American Medical Association published a bizarre letter, in which an anonymous doctor claimed to have killed a 20-year-old cancer patient at her own request. This started a debate that will rumble on into the autumn, when Californians may vote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia. The letter was probably written for polemical impact. It is scarcely credible. Its author cla


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