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Lesson Seven(第七课) 正反表达 Negation and Affirmation in Translation Warming-up exercises: 1) U.S. District Judge Sim Lake denied Skillings request for bond and ordered him to home confinement, wearing an ankle monitor. 美国地方法官西门·莱克拒绝了斯奇林取保候审的请求,要求他不得离开自己的住所地,并不得摘下脚踝上的监控器。 2) Outside the courthouse, Skilling vowed to appeal his sentence and also asked that his restitution money go straight to victims, instead of being seized first by the federal government. 走出法庭后,斯奇林声称他将上诉,同时他也要求他赔偿的钱应该直接给受害人而不是首先被联邦政府攥在手中。 3) Skilling was little known outside Enron until his anger at being caught brought his personality into public focus. 在事发后斯奇林恼羞成怒,这才使得公众了解到他的个性。本来除了在安然内部,斯奇林的名字并不大为人熟知。 I. Negation and Affirmation in English-Chinese Translation “请勿将头手伸出窗外.” Don’t leave your arms and head outside of the window . Please keep arms and heads inside the bus. 不怕不识货,只怕货比货。 (It is the superior quality of the products that helps them get the upper hand.) She has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from urs and ers, and perhaps, a tribute to the elocution (雄辩术,演说法) lessons she took while still a young girl. 她说话锋利尖锐,完全没有哼哼哈哈的拖腔,或许应该归功于她少女时代所受的演讲术的训练。 她丈夫不愿见到她那张毫无表情的脸。 Her husband hates to see her stony face. English negative words : 1) Full negatives: no not, none, never, nothing, nobody, nowhere, neither, nor, etc. 2) Semi negatives: hardly, scarcely, seldom, barely, few, little, etc. 3) Partial negatives: not every, not all, not both, not much, not many, not always, etc. 4) Words with negative implication: fail, refuse, keep off, reject, prevent from, avoid, without, beyond, until, unless, lest, ignorant, intact, refrain, neglect, absence, instead of, other than, except, rather than, give up, withhold, fall short of, wash one’s hands of, shut one’s eyes to, turn a deaf ear to, etc. 1. Affirmative in English, but negative in Chinese 1) Such a chance was denied to me. 我没有得到这样一个机会。 2) He seemed to be at a loss for the precise word to complete his thought. 他一时找不到合适的


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