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马可·波罗[1](Marco Polo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名旅行家和商人。1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是“旅行世家”。 他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人。据称17岁时,马可·波罗跟随父亲和叔叔前往中国,历时三年多,于1275年到达元朝的首都,与大汗忽必烈建立了友谊。他在中国游历了17年,曾访问当时中国的许多古城,到过西南部的云南和东南地区。回到威尼斯之后,马可·波罗在一次威尼斯和热那亚之间的海战中被俘,在监狱里口述旅行经历,由鲁斯蒂谦写出《马可·波罗游记》但其到底有没有来过中国却引发了争议。《马可·波罗游记》(又名《马可·波罗行纪》、《东方见闻录》)记述了马可·波罗在东方最富有的国家—中国的所见所闻,后来在欧洲广为流传,激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈向往,对以后新航路的开辟产生了巨大的影响。同时,西方地理学家还根据书中的描述,绘制了早期的“世界地图”。 This is Marco’s traveling map. Name: Born (when/where): Came to China (when): Purpose: Languages (how many): Returned to Italy (when): Age of his death: The name of his book: Read the text. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? 1.Kublai Khan trusted Marco polo very much. 2. People began using coal as fuel during the Yuan dynasty. 3. The Hall in the Summer Palace can contain 6,000 people having dinner together. 4. China was more developed than Europe at that time when Marco travelled to China. 5. Not long after his return, a local war broke out near his town. 6. Marco Polo wrote The Description of the World before he died. Second Reading do trade with… be confused by… dynasty break out Emperor put …into prison be impressed by… be caught by… Serve enough to do… in turn… enjoy doing… be amazed by… take dictation Seat too…to be available… stand by… 1. Marco Polo was son of a merchant. 2. He travelled cross Europe and Asia with his father to China. 3. Kublai Khan welcomed Marco to come to his country. 4. Marco was asked the question “Was it all true?” which he replied “I have only told a half of what I saw.” 5. In 1291, after 17 years of faithful service the Emperor, Marco returned to Italy. 6. During the war, Marco was the captain of the warship but was captured by the enemy and imprisoned. 7. The Emperor impressed by him and they became friends. Work in pairs Student A: Marco Polo Student B:


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