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第37 卷 第1 期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.37 No.1 Jan. 5, 2017 2017 年1 月5 日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2017 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. 313 DOI :10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.161423 文章编号:0258-8013 (2017) 01-0313-10 中图分类号:TM 936 基于 Jiles Atherton 磁滞理论的 直流偏磁下铁心损耗预测 王洋,刘志珍 ( 山东大学电气工程学院,山东省 济南市 250061) The Forecasting Method of Core Loss Under DC Bias Based on the Jiles Atherton Hysteresis Theory WANG Yang, LIU Zhizhen (School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, Shandong Province, China) ABSTRACT: The exciting current distortion and significant 进行辨识;其次,采用爱泼斯坦方圈和逆变电源搭建了直流 loss increment of transformer due to DC bias can result in 偏磁下磁滞回线测量系统,实测了不同直流偏磁下的磁滞回 overheating and insulation aging. To analyze the effect of DC 线,在此基础上获得直流偏磁下铁心动态磁滞模型参数辨识 bias on the core loss of transformer, the forecasting method of 结果;最后分析了直流偏磁对模型参数的影响,并对模型参 core loss under DC bias was proposed based on the Jiles 数中的动态损耗系数进行了拟合,以修正铁心动态磁滞模 Atherton (JA) hysteresis theory. Firstly, depending on the JA 型,得到直流偏置下铁心损耗预测方法。通过算例的计算结 hysteresis theory and the Bertottis field separation approach, 果与实验结果的对比验证了文中所提出方法的正确性。 the dynamic hysteresis model was established without DC bias 关键词:直流偏磁;铁心损耗;动态磁滞模型;磁滞回线; considering the eddy current and the anomalous loss, and the 逆变电源 model parameters were identified. Secondly, the hysteresis loop measuring system under DC bias was built by adopting Epstein 0 引言 frame and power inve


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