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Fulei: Spiritual Resemblance 傅雷“神似”理论 Outline Introduction Translation style Translation theory Comment Introduction Fulei (1908-1966) was a famous translator and art critic. He was born near Shanghai. He studied Art and Art Theory in France from 1928 to 1932. He worked as a journalist until he took up translating. Translated over 30 literary works His translation amounts to 5 million words 《欧也尼?葛朗台 Eugénie Grandet 》 《高老头 Le Père Goriot 》 《贝姨 La cousine Bette 》 《邦斯舅舅 Le cousin Pons 》 《夏培尔上校 Le Colonel Chabert》 “你很想知道我是谁,干过什么事,现在又干些什么。你太好奇了,孩子。哎,不用急。我的话长呢。我倒过楣。你先听着,等会再回答。我过去的身世,倒过霉三个字儿就可以说完了。我是谁?伏脱冷。做些什么?做我爱做的事。完啦。你要知道我的性格吗?只要对我好的或是我觉得投机的人,我对他们和气得很。这种人可以百无禁忌,尽管在我小腿上踢几脚,我也不会说一声哼,当心!可是,小乖乖!那些跟我找麻烦的人,或是我觉得不对劲的,我会凶得象魔鬼。还得告诉你,我把杀人当作——呸——这样的玩艺儿!” ——选自《高老头》 Fu Lei-style translation Fu Leis translation is smooth in expression, rich in vocabulary and changeable in style Convey meaning and the feeling of the original text. 译文以传神为特色,更兼行文流畅,用字丰富,工于色彩变化。 Spiritual Resemblance Formal resemblance means to keep the form of the source text such as the text type, sentence structure, figure of speech and metrical pattern. Spiritual resemblance means to reproduce the spirit and connatation of the source text. I do not mean that we can neglect the stuctures of the original sentences. On the contrary, we have to retain them as far as possible. However, no matter how novel these sentences are, the translation has to read like Chinese. 我并不说原文的句法绝对可以不管,在最大限度内我们是要保持原文句法的,但无论如何要叫人觉得尽管句法新奇而仍不失为中文。 It seems that an ideal translation is the original author?s writing in Chinese. The translation should convey the spirit of the source text and at the same time keep fluency in Chinese. Practical problems The most difficult thing to deal with is the renderi


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