
美联英语短新闻 履行巴黎协议 美国可走自己的路.doc

美联英语短新闻 履行巴黎协议 美国可走自己的路.doc

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美联英语短新闻 履行巴黎协议 美国可走自己的路

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:英语短新闻 履行巴黎协议 美国可走自己的路 The EU says Donald Trump’s administration can “chart its own path” on the Paris climate agreement amid speculation the US president may be persuaded that he has to ditch the accord if he wants to keep promoting fossil fuels. 欧盟(EU)表示,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)政府可以在巴黎气候协议上“制定自己的路线”。目前外界猜测,美国总统可能会相信,如果他希望继续推动化石燃料,他将不得不放弃该协议。 Mr Trump signed an executive order in March to boost coal and roll back climate policies set by his predecessor, Barack Obama, in a move critics say would make it harder for the US to meet its Paris commitments to cut emissions. 今年3月,特朗普签署一项行政命令,支持煤炭开采,并推逆转他的前任巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)确立的气候政策,批评人士称,此举将令美国更难兑现其在巴黎气候协议中做出的减排承诺。 But the president has yet to act on his campaign vow to “cancel” the climate pact adopted in December 2015 by virtually every country, despite pressure to do so from some in his team. 然而,特朗普尚未就“废除”2015年12月几乎所有国家接受的气候协议这个竞选承诺采取行动,尽管他的团队中的一些人正施加压力要求这么做。 Steve Bannon, the president’s chief strategist, and Scott Pruitt, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, have begun to argue that legal hurdles make it difficult to stay in the accord because one clause restricts countries from weakening their commitments to cut emissions, Politico has reported. Politico网站报道称,特朗普首席策略师史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)和美国国家环境保护局(EPA)局长斯科特?普鲁伊特(Scott Pruitt)已开始辩称,法律障碍加大了坚守该协议的难度,因为其中有一条限制各国弱化减排承诺。 This is a reference to Article 4:11 in the agreement, which says a country “may at any time adjust its existing nationally determined contribution with a view to enhancing its level of ambition”. 这指的是巴黎气候协议的第4:11条,该条规定,一国可“随时调整其现有的国家自主贡献,以加强其力度水平”。 Those opposed to the Paris deal say this provision could be used in court by the administration’s opponents to fight Mr Trump’s efforts to reverse Mr Obama’s climate regulations. 反对巴黎气候协议的人士表示,特朗普政府的反对者可能在法庭上利用该条对抗特朗普废除奥巴马出台的气候法规的努力。 However, the EU’s climate action and energy commissioner, Miguel Arias Ca?ete, told the Financial Times yeste


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