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( ) 20 11 4 ACT A PET ROLEI SINICA ( PET ROLEU M PROCE SSING SECTION) 27 2 : 100187 19( 2011) 赵修太, 倪 洁, 王彦玲, 邱广敏, 马 莉 ( , 266555) : D C ( D , C 2 n , n= 2, 4, 6, 8) , , D C 2 n CMC ; D C CM C 2 n D C , 2 n , , ; , , : ; ; ; ; : T Q423 : A doi: 10. 3969/ j . issn. 100 18719. 2011. 02. 0 11 The Effect of Spacer on Interfacial Tension and Foam Properties of Sulfonate Gemini Surfactants ZHAO Xiutai, NI Jie, WANG Yanling, QIU Guangmin, M A Li ( S chool of P etr ol eu m E ngi neer ing , Chi na Univ er s ity of Pe tr ol eum , Qi ngd ao 266555, China) Abstract: A new series f Gemini surfactants D2 Cn ( D represents hydr ph bic gr up sec ctyl phen l, C represents methylene in spacer gr ups, n = 2, 4, 6, 8) w ith branched car b nhy dr gen chains and differ ent spacer gr ups w ere synthesized, and the effects f the spacer gr up n the surface pr perties f D2 Cn w ere investigated. The results sh w ed that critical surface tensi n ( CMC ) and cr itical micelle c ncentr ati n ( CM C) f D2 Cn s luti n increased up n increasing spacer length. The ilw ater interfacial tensi ns f Lia he crude il w ith D2 Cn added w ere measured, w hich presented the trend f fir st increase and then decrease w ith the increase f spacer gr up length in D2 Cn . The series f D2 Cn have excellent f am pr perties. F aming v lume decreased and


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