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6 1 () Vo.l 6 N o. 1 2006 3 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVER SITY ( ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY) M ar, 2006 连续强制式水泥混凝土搅拌站及其控制算法研究 1 2 1 邵建华 , 杨 光, 殷奎喜 ( 1. , 210097; 2. , 454003) [] , . , PID , . , . , . [] , , P ID + [] T P273; TV 53 5 [] B [] 1672-1292( 2006) 01-0072-05 R esearch on Con trol A lgorithm for Con tinuou s Forced Cem en t Concrete M ixing Station 1 2 1 SHAO J ianhua , YANG G uang , Y IN Ku ix i ( 1. S ch ool of Phy ical Science and T echnology, N anjing Norm alUn iver ity, Nanj ing 210097, Ch in a; 2. The Second C on tru ction Com pany Lmi ited of C hina Railway No. 15 Bu reau G roup, J iaozuo 454003, Ch ina) A bstract: The De ign of a continuou ly forced cem ent concrete m ix ing tation w ere develop ing low ly becau e of the lack of ex cellent controlling model and arithm etic. The paper fir tly introduce thew orking princ ip le of the tation, then expre e P ID controlling m odel and ar ithm etic of the m ater ial flux, and finally compute the mi u lation re ult. The re u lt how it can m ake the tran it ofm aterial quickly and tab ly. A l o the paper dem on trate the high effic ien- cy and energy aving of the tation and the good index con i tency of the concrete produced by the tation, ba ed on the P ID controlling m odel and arithm etic. K ey w ord s: cem ent concretem ix ing tation, continuou forced, P ID 0 引言 . , . , , , . , , , . , . , , , . [ 1] , , , . : 2005-09-15. : (K 11080BY42)


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