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53 Ex per iment al Studies on A er ody namics Pr opert ies of Car bon N anomat er ials , , ( , 710025 SON G Z ibiao, L IU Daizhi, WA N G H ongxia ( T he Second A r tillery Engineering Inst it ut e, X ian 710025, China : 106m , : ; 40nm , 15m , ; SiO2 , : ; ; ; : T B383 : A : 100 14 381( 2009 Abstract: T he mass co ncent rat io ns and tr ansm issivit y t o 106m laser emission o f eig ht kinds of car bon nano mat erials smoke screens sprayed in t he smo ke box w er e m easured, and t he deposit ion veloci t ies of sm oke screens w er e co mput ed according t o t he mass co ncent rat io ns at dif ferent t ime. T he re sults sho w t hat the car bon nanomat er ials smoke screens have excel lent suspending char act erist ics and the dispersing of carbon nanomat erials has a g reat eff ect on m ass concent rat ions and deposit ion veloci t ies of sm oke screens. Considering mass concent rat ion and depo sit io n velocity , the carbon nanof ibers w it h diam et er ov er 40nm and leng t h less t han 15m ar e mor e appropr iat e f or electr omagneticw ave passive interf er ence m aterials. A s dispersant, nanoSiO2 can eff ect ively increase t he fluidit y and dis persibilit y of carbo n nanomat erials , and it can evident ly pr olong the su spending t ime and decrease the depo sit io n velocit ies o f sm oke screens. Key words: carbon nanof iber; carbon nanot ube; aero dynamics propert y; smo ke scr een [ 5] , ,


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