role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (mif) in allergic and endotoxin-induced airway inflammation in mice巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(mif)在过敏和endotoxin-induced小鼠气道炎症.pdf
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role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (mif) in allergic and endotoxin-induced airway inflammation in mice巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(mif)在过敏和endotoxin-induced小鼠气道炎症
Research Paper
Me diators of Inflammation, 9, 15– 23 (2000 )
MA CR OP HA GE m igr atio n in h ib ito ry fa ctor (MIF ) h a s Role of macrophage migration
r e c en tly be en fo rw ar de d as a cr itical r egulator of
in flam m ato ry c on dition s , an d it h a s be en h y p oth e - inhibitory factor (MIF) in allergic
s iz e d th at MIF m ay h av e a r ole in th e p ath oge n e s is of and endotoxin-induced airway
as th m a an d ch r on ic o bs tr uctiv e p ulm o n ary dis e as e
(COPD). He n ce , w e ex am in e d e ffe cts of MIF im m un o- inflammation in mice
n e utr aliz atio n o n th e dev elo p m en t o f aller ge n -
in duc e d e o s in op h ilic in flam m ation as w e ll as on
- -
lip op oly s a cc ar id e (LPS) in duc e d n e utr o p h ilic in flam
- M. Korsgren,1,CA L. Kallstr¨ om,¨ 3 L. Uller,1 T. Bjerke,3
m ation in lun gs of m ic e . An ti MIF s e r um v alidate d
w ith r e s p e ct to MIF n e utr alizin g cap a city or n or m al F. Sundler,1 C. G. A. Persson2 and O. Korsgren4
r a bbit s er um (NRS) w a s adm in is te r e d i.p . r e p e ate dly
dur in g aller ge n ae r os ol ex p os ur e of ov alb um in
(OVA ) im m un iz e d m ic e in an es ta blis h e d m o del of 1 2
Departments of Physiological Sciences and Clinical
alle r gic as th m a, o r on ce
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