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Magical Massage Therapy 魔法按摩理疗 Traditional Thai massage 传统泰式按摩 An ancient massage unique to Thailand. A healing 泰国古法按摩由来已久,它致力于帮助身体保持能 tradition, which focuses on your energy lines to 量,从而提升免疫力。按压的手法可以缓解紧绷的 maintain a healthy body or overcome illness. Pressing 状态,放松身体。 stimulation helps release tension and encourages the body to relax. 60 min 1,200 THB 60 分钟 1,200 泰铢 90 min 1,500 THB 90 分钟 1,500 泰铢 Thai Herbal hot compress massage 泰式草本热敷按摩 Hot compresses stimulate the areas which are too 热敷适用于身体的某些敏感区域。有时候身体会因 sensitive at the moment. Sometimes your body does 为受伤和疼痛难以接受直接按压的刺激,这时候, not want direct pressure on certain areas because of an 泰式草本热敷的方法也可以达到和按压相同的效果。当 injury or pain. The Thai herbs which are inside the 然,即使身体没有受伤,也可以尝试一下这种古老 compress give you the same benefits as a massage 的护理手法。 would .This is something traditional , which is worth trying out even if you are free from injuries. 90 min 1,800 THB 90 分钟 1,800 泰铢 Swedish massage 瑞典式按摩 A massage technique to designed to decrease physical 瑞典式按摩能够以较轻柔的手法,帮助舒缓紧张的 tension in a gentle way. It’s wonderful for the blood 身体,同时可以促进血液循环,对身体僵硬,肌肉 circulation and at the time, it helps reduce stiffness 放松特别有效。 and loosens tight muscles. 90 min 1,800 THB 90 分钟 1,800 泰铢 Splendid Aromatherapy massage 璀璨香薰按摩 Enjoy a relaxing,full body massage. The best, pure 采用优质芳香精油进行轻松愉悦的全身按摩,使身 essenti


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