steady vortex flows obtained from a constrained variational problem稳定的涡旋流从一个约束变分问题.pdf

steady vortex flows obtained from a constrained variational problem稳定的涡旋流从一个约束变分问题.pdf

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steady vortex flows obtained from a constrained variational problem稳定的涡旋流从一个约束变分问题

IJMMS 30:5 (2002) 283–300 PII. S0161171202008098 © Hindawi Publishing Corp. STEADY VORTEX FLOWS OBTAINED FROM A CONSTRAINED VARIATIONAL PROBLEM B. EMAMIZADEH and M. H. MEHRABI Received 10 January 2001 and in revised form 24 August 2001 We prove the existence of steady two-dimensional ideal vortex flows occupying the first quadrant and containing a bounded vortex; this is done by solving a constrained variational problem. Kinetic energy is maximized subject to the vorticity, being a rearrangement of a prescribed function and subject to a linear constraint. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J20, 76B47. 1. Introduction. In this paper, we prove the existence of steady two-dimensional ideal vortex flows occupying the first quadrant, Π+, containing a bounded vortex. This is done by solving a constrained variational problem. Such a flow will be described by ˆ ˆ a stream function ψ : Π → R. At infinity we will have ψ → −λx x which is the stream + 1 2 function for an irrotational flow with velocity field −λ(x1 ,x2 ), where λ is not known ˆ ˆ a priori. The vorticity is given by −∆ψ, where ∆ is the Laplacian, and −∆ψ vanishes ˆ outside a bounded region. It will be shown that ψ satisfies the following semilinear partial differential equation: ˆ ˆ −∆ψ = φ ◦ ψ, (1.1) almost everywhere in Π+ for φ an increasing function, unknown a priori. In our re- ˆ sult



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