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教你写GRE句子(一) 1.The saying is used to point out that …… 这个说法用来指出 (用法)常用在引用的名人名言或者俚语之后,用以表达作者自己引文的目的,立场或观点。 (例子)讽刺的是,这种说法指出在我们之中普遍存在一种倾向,认为他人总是比自己幸运。 [KEY] The saying is used ironically to point out that there is a temptation in us all to insist that others are more fortunate than ourselves. [借鉴] (1)Ironically, the saying is used to point out that there is a trend among us that others are always luckier than ourselves. 注:该句基本达到了句中意思的要求,而且表达简洁清晰,符合标准。 (2)Ironically, the saying is used to point out that there is a common tendency between us pointing out that others are always more lucky than ourselves. 注:该句虽然意思表达明确,但是在一个句子中连用两个point out,犯了重复的大忌,希望引起大家注意。 (3)Ironically the saying is used to point out a trend among us that others are all luck dogs except self. 注:这个句子首先副词在前,一般要用逗号搁开,另外luck只是名词,幸运儿用lucky dogs是可以的,但是在书面语中体现一些非正式的诙谐,宜用引号括起。另外,作者在将意思转化成英文时,理解上已经有所大的偏差,因为原来的中文意思是说别人比自己更幸运,换言之,只是比较程度上的问题,并没说自己不幸运。出现这种问题的句子还有些,希望这些读者朋友注意,在将自己想到的意思转化成英文时,注意逻辑上的一致性,这对于GRE写作上往往会成为致命伤! (例子)这种说法不变地指出一味抱怨和责备他人并不能消除贫困,无论其他人如何卑鄙,每个人都必须靠自己来获得成功。 [KEY] The saying is used invariably to point out that poverty cannot be reduced by merely complaining and blaming others: no matter how guilty other people are, each individual must reach out to success for himself. [借鉴](1)The saying is used to point out that it would be of no use to eliminate poverty by only complaining and abusing others and everyone should rely on himself to attain success no matter how abject others are. 注:该句子基本将句子中的意思表现了出来,也没有明显语法错误,只是在用词上存在些许问题。Abject主要是用来形容humble,hopeless的状态,意思为“卑屈的”,跟“卑鄙的”意义不同。 (2)The saying used to constantly point out that only complaining and blaming others cannot obviate poverty, instead, no matter how mean others are, everyone must depend upon self to attain success. 注:该句意义表达还是相当清晰,但是在小处上错误仍然出现。首先,主句漏掉了谓语动词is,后面instead引出语义重心,因此应该前面宜用分号分隔。 2. This is nowhere more true than…… 没有比在……更正确不过的了 (用法)用以强调在某个方面所表述或引用的论据得到了支持。聪明的读者应该马上就能举一反三,在ARGUMENT中,可将上句中的TRUE转换成ridiculous就可以用来攻击Arguer的ramshackle position了。 (


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