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0 p/a E Simplest model: |Haldane|2 (conserves Sz) Bulk energy gap + gapless edge states Edge states: a unique 1D conductor Half an ordinary 1D electron gas Protected by time reversal symmetry ↓ ↑ Quantum spin Hall state: Z2-Topological insulators 2D Time reversal invariant band structures are characterized by a Z2 topological invariant, n = 0,1 n=0 : Conventional Insulator n=1 : Topological Insulator Kane Mele, PRL 95, 226801(2005); PRL.95, 146802 (2005). Konig, Wiedmann, Brune, Roth, Buhmann, Molenkamp, Qi, Zhang Science 2007 Measured conductance 2e2/h independent of W for short samples (LLin) d 6.3 nm normal band order conventional insulator d 6.3nm inverted band order QSH insulator QSHE in HgTe quantum well: theoretical prediction and experimental realization Bernevig, Hughes and Zhang, Science 2006 HgTe HgxCd1-xTe HgxCd1-xTe d Theoretical prediction: inversion of conduction and valence bands for d6.3 nm → QSHI G=2e2/h Experiment 3D Topological Insulators n0 = 1 : Strong Topological Insulator Surface Fermi circle encloses odd number of Dirac points on all faces n0 = 0 : Weak Topological Insulator Layered 2D topological insulator (n1n2n3 ) surface states characterized by 4 Z2 invariants : (n0 ; n1n2n3 ) Bi1-xSbx Hsieh et al. Nature ’08 ARPES Experiment + Band theory : Y. Xia et al., Nature Phys. ‘09 Band Theory : H. Zhang et. al, Nature Phys. ‘09 Bi2 Se3 ARPES Fu, Kane Mele, PRL 98 , 106803 (2007) 从石墨烯到Dirac 金属: 能带的拓扑性质 3D Dirac/Weyl metals 总结: 拓扑物质态 量子Hall效应 反常量子Hall效应 分数量子Hall效应 自旋量子Hall效应或拓扑绝缘体 (HgTe/CdTe, Bi2Se3) Dirac半金属 Weyl半金属 (TaAs family) Skyrmion磁体 拓扑金属? …… Take home message 1: Geometry of quantum states Antisymmetric Berry curvature which preserves parallel transport of states, defines a U(1) gauge vector Quantum states are ambiguous up to a phase: physical properties are defined by expectation values


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