University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine :宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院.docx

University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine :宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院.docx

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University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine :宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院

University of PennsylvaniaSchool of MedicineSURVIVAL GUIDE TO THE CLINICSJanuary 2014IntroductionThe transition from the basic sciences to the clinics is naturally intimidating. You’ll soon be immersed in an unfamiliar environment that will demand greater responsibility and commitment than anything you’ve previously encountered in medical school. But working clinically with patients is (hopefully) what you went to med school for in the first place! Despite how awkward your white coat may feel you are more than ready to begin navigating the corridors of HUP.While your clerkship year will occasionally be anxiety-provoking and exhausting, it will more often be exhilarating, exciting, and incredibly fun. You’ll see the practical application of the things you’ve learned, interact daily and influentially with patients, become a valuable member of medical and surgical teams, and finally sense yourself becoming a true clinician. This guide is intended to help ease your transition into the clinics. You’ll soon realize that each rotation and each site has its own distinct flavor. What is expected of you as a student will vary from one rotation to the next and from team to team. Rather than attempt to describe the every detail of every rotation, this Survival Guide presents general objectives, opportunities, and responsibilities, as well as some helpful advice from previous students. Above all, your fellow classmates and upperclassmen will be a tremendous resource throughout this core clinical year.Enthusiasm, dedication, and flexibility are the keys to performing well and learning in the clinics. Throughout your clinical experience, you’ll interact with an incredibly diverse group of attendings, residents, and students in a variety of medical environments. If you can adjust to these different situations and maintain your enthusiasm, curiosity, and integrity throughout, you will not only be a successful clerkship student, but you’ll also have a fun and fulfilli


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