
vmware view 5.0 策略列表(VMware View 5策略列表).doc

vmware view 5.0 策略列表(VMware View 5策略列表).doc

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vmware view 5.0 策略列表(VMware View 5策略列表)

vmware view 5.0 策略列表(VMware View 5策略列表) audio capture redirection (音频捕获重定向) bitmap cache line size in unit for number bpp bitmaps (位图缓存文件的大小, 按 / 单位 数字 bpp 位图的格式指定) bitmap caching (位图缓存) an active cache 缓存永久活动) color depth (颜色深度) (光标卷影) 8. desktop background (桌面背景) desktop composition (桌面拼合) enable compression (启用压缩) a high security service provider (启用凭据安全服务提供程序) enable rdp auto reconnect (启用 mop 自动重新连接) are smoothing (字体平滑) animated menu and window (菜单和窗口动画) redirect clipboard (重定向剪贴板) redirect drives (重定向驱动器) redirect printers (重定向打印机) redirect serial ports (重定向串行端口) redirect the smart cards (重定向智能卡) redirect supported plug and play devices (重定向受支持的即插即用设备) shadow bitmaps (卷影位图) show contents of window while dragging (拖动时显示窗口内容) themes (主题) windows (windows 按键组合重定向 forward key combination) customer: 常规设置 配置模板 always on top (总在最前面) default exit behavior for local mode desktops (本地模式桌面的默认退出行为) delay the start of replications when starting to view client with local mode (启动 view client with local mode 时延迟启动复制操作) determines if the vmware a client should use. proxy.pac file (确定 vmware view customer 是否应该使用 proxy.pac 文件) disable forwarding (禁用时区转发 time zone) disable notifications (禁用 toast 通知). dont check monitor alignment on spanning (跨越时不检查显示器是否对齐) a multi media acceleration (启用多媒体加速) enable the shade (启用幕帘) redirect smart card readers in local mode (在本地模式中重 定向智能卡读卡器) tunnel proxy bypass. (不使用安全加密链路代理的. 地址列表) url for view client. help client 联机帮助的. url) the shade (固定幕帘)) view 公共配置 resp 模板设置 number of days to keep production logs. (保留生产日志的天数) maximum number of debug log (最大调试 日志数) can debug log size in megabytes (最大调试日志大小 (以 mb 为单位) log directory (日志目录) 公共配置模板: 性能警报设置. cpu and memory sampling interval. second, 和内存采样间隔 (以秒为单 cpu 位) after the cpu usage percentage to cpu (用于发布日志信息的总体 使 log info 用率) the use of memory) Issue Log info (used to publish log information within the population) Retention rate) Process, CPU, usage, percentage, to, issue Log info (process CPU fo


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