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when while as的区别和用法(The difference and usage of when while as)
when while as的区别和用法(The difference and usage of when while as)
The difference and usage of When while as
Version 1
(1) when I said is a momentary action, that represents a continuous movement, the three are available:
He, fell, asleep, when, [while, as], he, was, reading., he fell asleep while reading.
[note] as is used to elicit a persistent verb indicating in...... During the predicate , usually only those containing action (action) and development (Development) means that the verb generally cannot be used for those who do not tense verb (such as be, seem, love, want, agree, see, know, have), so the following sentence while cannot change as:
A:I, m, going, to, office., the, post, Im going to the post office.
B:While, you, re, there, can, you, get, me, some, stamps. When you are at the post office, could you get me some stamps?
(2) if the main clause, said two simultaneous continuous movement, and stressed that the whole time clause said the action continues to refer to clause, usually by while:
Don t talk while you re eating., dont talk while eating.
I kept silent while he was writing. when he wrote, I kept silent.
However, the two simultaneous actions represented by the main clause contain one side... One side, usually with as:
She sang as she went along. she sang along.
(3) if a clause is a momentary action, it is a continuous movement, the available as / when but not while:
It, was, raining, hard, when, [as], we, arrived., it was raining heavily when we arrived.
(4) if the main clause represents two simultaneous (or almost simultaneous) transient movements, use as / when:
I thought, of, it, just, when, mouth., [as], you, opened, your, and so on, when you are going to say, I also think of it.
(5) to indicate that the two developments are changing, equivalent to the Chinese language along, usually with as:
Things, are, getting, better, and, better, as, time, goes, on., as time goes on, things are getting better and better.
As, it, grew, darker, it, became, cold
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