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中图法分类号: TP751 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0000-0000(2016) 论文引用格式: 结合空间光谱预处理和 的高光谱图像混合像元分解 彭倩1,,,于文博12 1.中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京00093;2.郑州大学信息工程学院,郑州 50001 摘 要 :目的:混合像元问题高光谱遥感图像中本文空间光谱预处理非负矩阵分解混合像元分解。预处理,如最小体积约束、流行约束等,邻域的空间和光谱信息进行获得更优的预选端元,对非负矩阵分解的结果进行优化中()空间光谱预处理()有效提高非负矩阵分解非负矩阵分解解混结果,在的情况下都能约束非负矩阵分解的结果,而SSPP低信噪比的情况下,预处理效果更佳。数据实验,约束非负矩阵分解的解混精度而SSPP在复杂场景下,解混精度更佳。和真实数据的实验,提高约束非负矩阵分解的解混精度,特别是对于信噪比较低的情况下空间和光谱信息有很好的鲁棒性。非负矩阵分解解混算法空间光谱预处理,利用高光谱遥感数据的空间和光谱信息,,空间光谱预处理非负矩阵实验,复杂场景情况下,噪声 Hyperspectral unmixing based on spatial and spectral preprocessing prior and constrained non-negative matrix factorization Peng Qian1, Zhang Bing1, Sun Xu1, Gao Lianru1, Yu Wenbo1,2 1.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100093, China; 2. School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China Abstract: Objective: The problem of mixed pixels is common in hyperspectral remote sensing image processing and analysis, and the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) method has been introduced into hyperspectral unmixing. This study proposes a new spatial and spectral preprocessing technique for constrained NMF, thereby making the unmixing process robust to noise. : The spatial and spectral preprocessing technique is based on constrained NMF, such as minimum volume constrained NMF and graph--regularized NMF. The unmixing result of constrained NMF is improved by obtaining better endmember candidates from the preprocessing within the spatial and spectral information of the neighborhood. Result: Spatial preprocessing and spatial--spectral preprocessing can both improve the unmixing accuracy of constrained NMF, such as minimum volume constrained NMF and graph--regularized NMF, in five groups of simulation data with different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Spatial preprocessing can enhance the results of constrained NMF in all SNRs, whereas spatial--spectral preprocessing effectively optimizes accuracy, particularly for conditions with low


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