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EN8170 (DDA) Overlay Indicator Installation (安装(DDA)EN8170覆盖指标)
EN81-70 (DDA)
Overlay Indicator
Installation Manual
Read the manual
before installing the
2. Introduction. 4
3. LCD configuration settings 5
3.1 Per Controller interface unit 5
4. System Overview. 12
5. Operation and features 14
6. Power Supply. 15
7. Signal requirements 16
7.1. Per-controller connections 17
8. Schematic of indicator controller interface 18
9. Magnetic switch input: 19
9.1 Reset floor 19
9.2 Top floor 19
9.3 Bottom floor 19
9.4 Other floors 19
10. Test modes 21
10.1 Speech 21
10.2 Indicator 21
10.3 Inputs 21
11. User Forms 21
1. Left Blank
2. Introduction.
The overlay kit utilises tried and tested hardware with a labour saving networked
communication system to reduce installation time and lift service disruption.
The additional surface mount user interface equipment enables quick installation.
***************************** NOTE ****************************
***** This system is only suitable for Non-network based lift controllers *****
To achieve this only a small proportion of the functionality of the existing lift
controller system is overlaid, without affecting any of the existing controllers
operational features. Essentially the overlay is transparent to the controller.
Features provided by the overlay system to meet the EN81-70 requirements are : -
DDA compliant Landing indicator for next direction of tr
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