Section 6.1 Symmetries Mathematics Statistics(6.1节对称数学统计数据).pdf

Section 6.1 Symmetries Mathematics Statistics(6.1节对称数学统计数据).pdf

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Section 6.1 Symmetries Mathematics Statistics(6.1节对称数学统计数据)

Section 6.1 1 Symmetries Section 6.1 Symmetries Section 6.1 Symmetries and Algebraic Systemsand Algebraic Systems Section 6.1 Section 6.1 Symmetries Symmetries and Algebraic Systemsand Algebraic Systems Purpose of Section: To introduce the idea of a symPurpose of Section metry of an object in the Purpose of SectionPurpose of Section plane, which will act as an introduction to the study of algebraic structures, in particular algebraic groups. Abstraction and Abstract AlgebraAbstraction and Abstract Algebra AbstractionAbstraction and Abstract Algebra and Abstract Algebra The ability to abstract is a unique feature of human thought, an ability not shared by “lower forms” of living creatures. The ability to capture the essence of what we see and experience is so engrained in our mental processes, we never give it a second thought. If the human mind did not have the capability to abstract commonalities in daily living, we would live in a different world altogether. Suppose we lacked the capacity to grasp the “essence” of what makes up a chair. We would be forced to call every chair by a different name in order to communicate to others what we are referring. The statement “the chair in the living room” would have no meaning unless we knew what exact chair was being referred. Parents point to a picture of a dog in a picture book and tell their infant, “dog”, and it is a proud moment for the parents when the child sees a dog in the yard and says, “dog!” The concept of number is a crowning achievement of human’s ability to abstract the essence of size of sets. It is not necessary to talk about “three people”, “three



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