病生学重点(Emphasis on the study of disease).doc

病生学重点(Emphasis on the study of disease).doc

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病生学重点(Emphasis on the study of disease)

病生学重点(Emphasis on the study of disease) Emphasis on the study of disease A solution 1. hyponatremia: refers to the serum concentration of Na+ 130mmol/L, with or without the change of the amount of extracellular solution, is a common clinical disorder of water and sodium metabolism. P20 (a) hyponatremia of low volume: characterized by loss of Na+, more than dehydration, serum Na+ concentration 130mmol/L, plasma osmotic pressure 280 mmol/L, and accompanied by a decrease in extracellular fluid volume. It can also be called hypotonic dehydration. P21 2. hypernatremia: serum sodium concentration 150 mmol/L. The plasma of patients with hypernatremia is hypertonic, but the total volume of Na+ is decreased, normal and increased. According to the change of extracellular fluid volume, it can be divided into low volume, high volume and high capacity hypernatremia. P23 (a) low volume hypernatremia: characterized by loss of water more than sodium loss, serum Na+ concentration 150 mmol/L, plasma osmotic pressure 310 mmol/L. The amount of extracellular fluid and the amount of intracellular fluid decreased, which was called hypertonic dehydration. P23 3. edema: excessive body fluid is called edema in the interstitial space or in the inner cavity. P25 4. hyperkalemia: serum potassium levels above 5.5 mmol/L are called hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia is rarely accompanied by an increase in intracellular potassium, and may not always be accompanied by excess potassium in the body. P34 5. hypokalemia: serum potassium levels below 3.5 mmol/L are called hypokalemia. Normally, the potassium concentration reflects the total potassium content in the body, but in abnormal cases, the relationship between the two does not necessarily parallel. In addition, potassium levels in patients with hypokalemia may not necessarily decrease, but in most cases hypokalemia is associated with potassium deficiency. P30 6. metabolic acidosis: refers to the type of acid-base imbalance in extracellular liquid



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