痉挛型脑瘫常见步态的康复训练(Rehabilitation training of common gait in spastic cerebral palsy).doc

痉挛型脑瘫常见步态的康复训练(Rehabilitation training of common gait in spastic cerebral palsy).doc

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痉挛型脑瘫常见步态的康复训练(Rehabilitation training of common gait in spastic cerebral palsy)

痉挛型脑瘫常见步态的康复训练(Rehabilitation training of common gait in spastic cerebral palsy) Rehabilitation training of common gait in spastic cerebral palsy The main clinical manifestations of spastic cerebral palsy are pointed foot, scissors cloth, knee flexion, hip flexion and other symptoms. The Beijing Liming childrens brain palsy treatment center answers the causes of these symptoms and tells them how they should be treated. 1, the tip of the foot is mainly caused by the tension of the triceps muscle of the calf. (1) the main reasons and characteristics: the lower triceps muscle tension is the main, leading to the extension of the lower leg joints, can not bend back, standing feet can not play a supporting role. The children need more power when they stand, and the balance ability is also affected by the incoordination between the active muscle and the direct muscle strength of the antagonist muscle. (2) treatment The 1 movement: passive muscle stretch technique can be used repeatedly dragging and persistent stretch on the triceps surae, also can use technology joint activities to expand the talocrural joint range of motion; if the muscle tension in children is too high, can be in supine position for buckling with the hip and knee, and then on the pitch the ankle joint was pulled, this method is the knee extensor hip extension posture of talocrural joint traction easier: infants in supine position with the knee in flexion repeatedly at the same time, on the triceps muscle of distraction; pull people in the process of treatment should be in accordance with the existence of strephenopodia or adjust the foot valgus, grasping the direction of children, although to avoid pulling the triceps but increased foot varus or valgus. 2: active exercise can make the patients from squatting, double foot spacing and shoulder width, toes slightly outward tilt, treatment in children with posterior, medial knee joint hands to control children do move around or before and after standing; ass



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