瘦小腹瘦大腿(Thin lower abdomen, thin thighs).doc

瘦小腹瘦大腿(Thin lower abdomen, thin thighs).doc

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瘦小腹瘦大腿(Thin lower abdomen, thin thighs)

瘦小腹瘦大腿(Thin lower abdomen, thin thighs) Just one night, the exercise for the lower abdomen will make it obvious tightening, it is incredible? But it did happen. The body coach recommended to us: Do 30 times and movement (hands behind standing up quickly to the right and left sides are respectively torsion of upper limb, pay attention not to the knee axis, the axis in the pelvis above), followed by 30 times (just keep the upper limb sideways movement posture, but note that the hip joint does not move to the left and right sides of the upper limbs, respectively. Sideways movement). Overnight, you will have a soothing change in your lower abdomen, and it will be better for you to stick to it for a long time! Walk out of your charming gait Shoulders back slightly and drooping naturally, pay attention to chest and abdomen. The advantage of sticking to this is that, as the small abdomen is often in a tense state, over time the muscles become flat and the stomach has a pronounced contraction. A straight stance and sitting position Imagine a rope tied to your head and pulling you up. This is a bit like we China saying the first cantilever cone feeling, but we have not used it in the correct posture. This regular sitting position gives you confidence, and you feel that your straight posture and posture seem to make you blink a few inches taller. A month let you down permanent waist Internal and external oblique muscle: 1, standing on the left foot, lift the right foot, hands holding, twisting the body, left elbow hit the right knee. 2 or so alternately for 20 times. Simple abdomen movement: This exercise is simple, but very effective. Lie on the ground, straighten your feet, then lift up, return it, do not touch the ground, repeat it 15 times. Exercise density: 3-4 times a day, 15 times a week. Sit ups and abdominal exercises: 1 bend your knees to 60 degrees and use a pillow step. 2 take the left knee with your right hand, lift your shoulder to the ground, do it 10 times, th



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