白僵蚕(Bombyx Batryticatus).doc

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白僵蚕(Bombyx Batryticatus)

白僵蚕(Bombyx Batryticatus) Bombyx Batryticatus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Bombyx Mori family Bombycidae insects moth larvae of L. Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) infection of Beauveria bassiana Vuill. dead dry scorpion. (also called its emergency Yao Fang (). Spicy, salty and mild. In the liver, lung and stomach. Function: expelling wind, relieving spasm, resolving phlegm and dissipating stasis. Indications: stroke, epilepsy, headache, aphonia, laryngalgia, houbi, crewels, wind sore urticaria, erysipelas, breast Arthritis. Oral administration: decoction, 3 ~ 10g; or into the pill, scattered. For external use: grind, sprinkle or apply. [modern research] Main ingredients: white silkworm silkworm hormone containing hydroxy ecdysterone (Ecdysterone) and a pigment - 3- hydroxy kynurenine (3-Hydrcxykynurenine). The surface of the white powder contains ammonium oxalate and egg White matter and fat. Pharmacological action: 1. hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects of alcohol water extract of Bombyx Batryticatus to mice subcutaneous, intraperitoneal injection or orally, or for intravenous injection in rabbits, has a hypnotic effect. Mice were injected with 25g/kg, and 12.5g/kg was injected subcutaneously to induce hypnosis The effect is comparable to that of subcutaneous injection of phenobarbital 50mg/kg. Mice fed the 100% silkworm decoction, can reduce the number of deaths caused by the Shi Ning convulsion. But shock caused by electric shock, four nitrogen and caffeine There was no obvious antagonism. The report thinks, its anti strychnine component is ammonium oxalate, ammonium oxalate after removing Decoction for silkworm, lost, anti convulsant activity of Ningqiang straight. 2., the other effects of 50% pupae water decoction to mice 0.2ml/ / day, the inhibitory rate of S180 in mice sarcoma was 71.4%, but weight loss was also observed. The stiff pupa has a slight inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli


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