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白芥子(Sinalbin) Sinalbin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The seeds of Brassica alba (L.) Boiss., a white mustard plant of cruciferae. Pungent in nature and warm in nature. The lung and stomach. Function: Qi, phlegm, warm in the cold, tongluozhitong. Indications: phlegm cough and chest Swelling pain, nausea and vomiting, aneos, arthralgia, numbness of limbs, beriberi, Yin carbuncle swollen poison, traumatic swelling. Oral administration: decoction, 3 ~ 9g; or into the pill, scattered. For external use: grind and apply at the end. [modern research] Main ingredients: white mustard, containing white mustard (Sinalbin), mustard (Sinapine), Myrosin, fat, protein, mucin and vitamin a substance. Sinalbin mustard by enzymatic hydrolysis, producing p-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanato (p-Hydroxybenzyl Isothiocynate) (white mustard oil), sinapine bisulfate (Sinapine bisulfate) and glucose. acid Of Liusuanjiezijian can be produced by alkaline hydrolysis of sinapic acid and choline. Pharmacological action: 1. the antifungal activity of white mustard seed water extract (1:3), in vitro of Trichophyton violaceum, Xu Lans grubyella skin fungi have different degrees of inhibition. 2., the stimulating effect of glucosinolates is not stimulated by itself, and the volatile oil (white mustard oil) is formed by the action of white mustard after water. The volatile oil of mustard is pungent, pungent and pungent. Applied to the skin, has a warm feeling and makes it red, and even cause blisters, pustules. Usually the mustard powder to remove fatty oil made use of sinapism, Used as anti irritant (irritant drugs used in local skin, its role is not limited to the application site, and refer to the other areas, have a therapeutic effect, known as anti stimulation), the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism, Pleurisy and sprains etc.. Before use, wet with warm water to enhance the role of glucosinolates (boiling water inhibits the role of mustard enzymes). Ap


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