管理者的价值管理不在于给出完美的答案(The management of managers value is not about giving perfect answers).doc

管理者的价值管理不在于给出完美的答案(The management of managers value is not about giving perfect answers).doc

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管理者的价值管理不在于给出完美的答案(The management of managers value is not about giving perfect answers)

管理者的价值管理不在于给出完美的答案(The management of managers value is not about giving perfect answers) ??? is the value of managers to help employees grow, the best way to achieve this goal is to inspire staff thinking, therefore, the management value is not a good answer, but the proposed enlightening questions. ??? in fact, many managers do not understand this, and ask questions, they are more accustomed to answer. When people turn to them when they talk, love, love to show off his knowledge and experience of success and employees often have very specific details will listen to employees. In their view, this is their value, because through this process, they not only gave the staff answer, but to meet their vanity. Although this approach is common, it often fails. Because, although managers speak to employees a lot of truth, from macro to micro, from the market to internal management, from abroad to domestic, the amount of information is very large, but very little information into the staffs mind. After all, the best results not from the communication of information transmission, but from the resonance, when the management of the information staff and so on interact, is the only valid information, otherwise, everything is in vain. What? Then, what is the best information delivery effect? Its simple, just change the way, speak less, listen more, and ask questions to inspire employees to think and answer. Although the beginning of doing so can be painful, will encounter employee resistance, even for a long time of silence, even so, you will not give up this way, because you really is not value giving the perfect answer, you can never have to answer to the staff, if so, not only will you be exhausted, employees will be more and more feel boring, and finally had to choose to leave. Actually, its not easy to ask questions compared to giving answers. In order to raise the question of value, you need to understand their ideas, need to understand the things in the background, the need



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