药与酒的关系(The relationship between medicine and wine).doc

药与酒的关系(The relationship between medicine and wine).doc

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药与酒的关系(The relationship between medicine and wine)

药与酒的关系(The relationship between medicine and wine) Bad symptoms associated with wine Cephalosporin antibiotics Cefradine is pioneer six, cefotaxime, cefoperazone, and montelukast Light blush fever, headache and dizziness; there may be severe chest pain, palpitation, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, difficulty breathing, sweating, irritability, blurred vision, mental confusion, and even shock; even for the development of respiratory depression, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, acute congestive heart failure, until death. To maintain 4-5 days Common medicine Chloramphenicol, metronidazole, furazolidone, tolbutamide (D - 860), glibenclamide, phenformin etc. Antipyretic analgesics Aspirin, acetaminophen, Compound Aminopyrine Phenacetin Tablets, etc. Simultaneous intake can cause gastrointestinal bleeding Sedative and hypnotic Valium, strychnine, phenobarbital, etc Unconsciousness and coma in the same group, death due to respiratory failure Hypoglycemic agents Glibenclamide, metformin, insulin During the period of heavy drinking, can cause hypoglycemia coma and life-threatening Antianginal drugs Nitroglycerin, nifedipine and isosorbide dinitrate The same service can cause sudden drop in blood pressure and even shock; Monoamine oxidase inhibitor Isoniazid (Lei Mifeng), Pagelin (eutonyl), procarbazine, phenelzine, furazolidone, imipramine (athletes with caution) and other drugs After drinking (especially Wine), can cause the body to tyramine accumulated, causing severe headache, vomiting, palpitation, blood pressure and increased hypertensive crisis, severe cases can cause brain haemorrhage and regret for life. Dont drink anything cold Drug species Common drugs Adverse reaction wrong steroid body resist inflammation drug (Tylenol, white and black, Bufferin athletes caution) Kang, crack, kangbide (1) non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are irritating to the gastric mucosa, causing epigastric discomfort, nausea, vomiting and occult bleeding, and can induce and aggravate gast



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