药事管理学(Pharmacy Administration).doc

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药事管理学(Pharmacy Administration)

药事管理学(Pharmacy Administration) School of network education, China Medical University Review of Internal Medicine Single choice question 1. which organ damage is most obvious in malignant hypertensive patients? A heart, B brain, C liver D, E, fundus of kidney 2., the acute exacerbation of pulmonary heart disease, the drug is contraindicated: A respiratory stimulants, B, diuretics, C, sedative and sleeping pills D arm ETHAM 3. which of the following signs is a sign of left heart failure? A paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, B lower extremity edema, C liver enlargement D jugular vein engorgement, E, gastrointestinal symptoms 4. which of the following is not a cardiovascular risk factor for hypertension stratification? A male, 55 years old, B smoking, C drinking D diabetes, E, blood cholesterol, 5.72mmol/L 5., hypertensive patients generally advocate blood pressure (mmHg) control target value, at least in which range? A, 130/90, B, 140/90, C, 150/90 D 160/100 E 160/90 6. classification of the severity of angina pectoris according to the Canadian Society of cardiology. Such as the patient to walk more than two blocks, building more than one layer and climbing are caused by angina should belong to what level A, I, B, II, C, III, class A. D, IV, E, V 7. the most common complication of chronic atrial fibrillation is A systemic embolism, B pulmonary embolism, C infective endocarditis D complete atrioventricular block, E - Weiss syndrome 8. the mechanism of action of diuretics in the treatment of cardiac insufficiency is through: A sodium drainage B improves cardiac contractility and increases cardiac output by C D decreased arterial pressure by E and decreased arterial pressure 9. which enzyme appears earliest after acute myocardial infarction? A troponin B, creatine kinase, C myoglobin D alanine aminotransferase E lactate dehydrogenase 10. which of the following is not typical of angina pectoris? A mostly nocturnal attack, suddenly awakened B middle, sternum crushing pain C cont



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