观赏鱼养殖-走出过滤误区问答(Culture of ornamental fish - out of filtration).doc

观赏鱼养殖-走出过滤误区问答(Culture of ornamental fish - out of filtration).doc

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观赏鱼养殖-走出过滤误区问答(Culture of ornamental fish - out of filtration)

观赏鱼养殖-走出过滤误区问答(Culture of ornamental fish - out of filtration) Ornamental fish farming - out of the filter (2009-08-15 00:53:51) reprint misunderstanding question Tags: ornamental fish aquarium filtration filtration culture classification: Koi aquaculture Why do fish filter when fish are used in aquariums? How to filter? Its a headache for fish friends. I am not a master, I hope friends with beginners to explore the filtering problem, I hope the fish out of the filter misunderstanding, so that fish relaxed and happy. Question 1: why should fish tanks be filtered? Answer: in order to maintain water quality, clean and maintain the ecological environment of fish. Because fish feces, feed the fish feeding will leave the remaining material, the impurity content of water increased, resulting in deterioration of water quality, causing damage to the fish. Question two: what is the filtration principle of fish culture in fish bowl? Answer: 1, completely remove fish and impurities, to maintain clean water quality, purity; 2, to create the ecological environment of water, to meet the survival needs of fish. Question three: what filters are used in fish bowl culture? Answer: generally take physical filtration and biochemical filter two means. Physical filtering is to remove impurity particles in the water, to keep the water clean to avoid harmful impurities remaining purity, pollution and damage the fishs health; biological filtration is the use of beneficial microbes (mainly nitrifying bacteria) to resolve minor impurities residual physical filtration, harmful substances (such as ammonia) converted back into useful substances, through the ecological cycle water for fish survival and healthy growth. Question four: what is the essential difference between physical filtration and biochemical filtration? Answer: there is no essential difference, only functional differences. The two form of filtration is a complementary relationship designed to maintain water quality in line with t


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