观赏鱼肠炎和内寄的区分和治疗方法(Differentiation and treatment of enteritis and delivery in ornamental fish).doc

观赏鱼肠炎和内寄的区分和治疗方法(Differentiation and treatment of enteritis and delivery in ornamental fish).doc

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观赏鱼肠炎和内寄的区分和治疗方法(Differentiation and treatment of enteritis and delivery in ornamental fish)

观赏鱼肠炎和内寄的区分和治疗方法(Differentiation and treatment of enteritis and delivery in ornamental fish) Originality: differentiation and treatment of enteritis and internal secretion of ornamental fish ~! At the request of the fish friend, I would like to talk about the cause, symptoms and treatment of the enteritis and the internal infection of the ornamental fish: Enteritis: cause: indigestion caused by indigestion, resulting in Pseudomonas, a bacterium that causes bacterial enteritis Its main symptoms are: diseased fish, anal redness and swelling, bulge, lower abdomen soft, flake off. Serious: light pressure abdominal purulent fluid, the disease fish color black, loss of appetite, stray, swim alone, slow action. Often with rotten cheeks, red skin and other diseases complicated, anatomical observation of diseased fish intestinal swelling, congestion, and endanger the breeding effect. Parasites Effect of the larvae of fish health the first, in the intestinal parasitic flagellates, in. These flagellates include six flagellates, Giardia, spindle flagellates, and so on. Six flagellates in the fish in good health and strong resistance, only a small number of parasites in the intestinal tract. But when the fish rearing environment by pressing (such as poor water quality, long-distance transportation, lack of nutrition etc.) and resistance is reduced, it will be a large number of breeding and disease. Its main symptoms are: infection of the disease, fish will darken the body, eye essence without luster, and excreted white mucus feces. Enteritis and delivery are difficult to distinguish. Because sometimes enteritis is caused by internal transmission. Enteritis also has white stool. It is more likely to be confused I. how many kinds of enteritis do you have?: 1 enteritis caused by internal delivery This is often difficult to send and enteritis to distinguish. Eyes, color, expression, almost the same as in the mail. Can only be distinguished from appetite and feces, sent the fish does


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