Wave Energy - Florida Institute of Technology波的能量-佛罗里达理工大学.ppt

Wave Energy - Florida Institute of Technology波的能量-佛罗里达理工大学.ppt

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Wave Energy - Florida Institute of Technology波的能量-佛罗里达理工大学

Wave, Tide, and Ocean Wind Energy “It is pleasant, when the sea is high and the winds are dashing the waves about, to watch from shore the struggles of another.” Lucretius, 99-55 B.C. 15.O Overview of Ocean Energy Ocean energy is replenished by the sun and through tidal influences of the moon and sun gravitational forces Near-surface winds induce wave action and cause wind-blown currents at about 3% of the wind speed Tides cause strong currents into and out of coastal basins and rivers Ocean surface heating by some 70% of the incoming sunlight adds to the surface water thermal energy, causing expansion and flow Wind energy is stronger over the ocean due to less drag, although technically, only seabreezes are from ocean energy 15. Available Energy Potential Energy: PE = mh Kinetic Energy: KE = ? mv2 or ? mu2 Wave energy is proportional to wave length times wave height squared (LH2)per wave length per unit of crest length A four-foot (1.2 m), ten-second wave striking a coast expends more than 35, 000 HP per mile of coast [Kotch, p. 247] Maximum Tidal Energy, E = 2HQ x 353/(778 x 3413) = 266 x 10-6 HQ kWh/yr, where H is the tidal range (ft) and Q is the tidal flow (lbs of seawater) E = 2 HQ ft-lb/lunar day (2 tides) or E = 416 x 10-4 HV kWh, where V is cubic feet of flow 15. Ocean Energy The tidal forces and thermal storage of the ocean provide a major energy source Wave action adds to the extractable surface energy Major ocean currents (like the Gulf Stream) may be exploited to extract energy with underwater rotors (turbines) The oceans are the World’s largest solar collectors (71% of surface) Thermal differences between surface and deep waters can drive heat engines Over or in proximity to the ocean surface, the wind moves at higher speeds over water than over land roughness 15. Wave Energy Energy of interchanging potential and kinetic energy in the wave Cycloidal motion of wave particles carries energy forward without much current Typical periodicities are


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