全新版大学英语综合教程Book1 Unit 2 Friendship 精品课件.ppt

全新版大学英语综合教程Book1 Unit 2 Friendship 精品课件.ppt

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全新版大学英语综合教程Book1 Unit 2 Friendship 精品课件

urge: vt. 力劝,催促{~ sb. to do sth.; ~ that(虚拟语气: (should)+v.原形)} They urged the local government to approve plans for their reform program. Sir Fred urged that Britain (should) join the European Monetary System. 当老朋友布赖恩怂恿我接受一支香烟时,我实在忍不住了。 When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. When do you shrug in a western culture? A shrug is a gesture that is performed by lifting both shoulders up, and is an indication of an individual either not knowing an answer to a question, or not caring about a result. It can also be used when someone is simply ignoring the persons question. It is very common in Western culture, rather than saying I dont know, they would simply perform a shrug. In the English-speaking world it may be accompanied by a three syllable grunt or hummed mumble mimicking the intonation of I dunno. The gesture may be accompanied by raised palms. The shrug is relatively absent from Eastern culture. (From Wikipedia) postpone: vt. (+n/动名词)delay The couple had postponed having children to establish their careers. 我们把比赛从3月5日推迟到3月19日举行。 We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th. D R _ reference 1 reference: n. 1. the act of talking about sb. / sth., or mentioning them (usu. followed by to) 提及,谈到(~ to) It was strange that he made no reference to any work experience in his resume. His recent book makes references to the political events of those days. 2. 参考,查阅 Make a note of the reference number shown on the form. D R _ reference 2 Collocation: a reference book a reference library for reference in / with reference to 参考书,工具书 (不外借书的)参考书阅览室 作参考 关于 …the Halloween that we tied Old Mr. Parker’s gate Why did they tie Mr. Parker’s gate? Halloween is celebrated annually. It is on the night of 31 October, when people once believed that ghosts could be seen. Now, in Britain and America, it is a time when children have parties, dress up as witches, make lanterns out of pumpkins from which the inside


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