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The 5 Greatest Merles World(5最大山鸟的世界)
The Greatest
Sales Letters
Of All Time
Understand the rules to writing a great sales
letter and you possess the secret to unlimited
Edited By John Jantsch
Please distribute this book FREELY!
You may distribute, copy, or reprint this book as long as you do
so as-is, without changes. It must contain the information about
the author and the links must remain intact.
Use This Book To…
• Offer to visitors of your website
• As a giveaway to entice newsletter subscribers
• As part of bonus for your products or services
John Jantsch – 816-561-3931
J ohn@DuctTapeM
Small Business Marketing A
John J
Studying Successful Sales Letters Can Be
Your Ticket To A Wealth Explosion.
You may never call a sales letter junk mail again.
You trudge to the mailbox, open it up and out fall a pile of bills (never
that check youve been waiting on.) Of course you also get to flip
through the so-called junk mail as it slides off your desk for the trash
can right?
If you own a small business and you arent poring over every piece of
mail you get (hey, even some well written email) then you are making
a silly mistake.
This ebook provides you with what are arguably some of the best sales
letters ever written. Studying these letters is like getting a free
copywriting course. The reason these letters are considered some of
the best is quite simple…they have been responsible for selling lots
and lots stuff for many years.
Read each of these letters and you will begin to understand that for
the most part they all follow a tried and true set of rules. Once you
understand how to apply these rules to your selling efforts you will
automatically experience greater success.
Here are some tips and resources to help you understand and create
great sales letters. Start a file and when you discover a letter or even
postcard that follows these rules, stuff that baby in the file f
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