The deadly sin of pride S Baylor University(骄傲的致命的罪恶贝勒大学).pdf

The deadly sin of pride S Baylor University(骄傲的致命的罪恶贝勒大学).pdf

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The deadly sin of pride S Baylor University(骄傲的致命的罪恶贝勒大学)

E E R L U C T I T A R E F A The deadly sin of pride exual ethics aside, traditional Christian teaching nowhere Sclashes more sharply with contemporary sensibilities than on the moral status of pride. Christians have long counted pride as a sin—indeed, the “original sin” that generates every other and is the vital principle in each. C.S. Lewis speaks for many Christian moral- ists when he calls pride “the essential vice, the utmost evil.” He asserts that pride “is the complete anti-God state of mind” (Lewis, 1980, pp. s y , y g y t d r i 121-22). Many people today, however, view pride as a virtue and a key o a s n l n r o i e a e v h m i component in emotional maturity and self-actualization. Therapists S T e n l f S U u o l r seek to instill in clients positive self-regard, teachers try to boost stu- a o a r c l o i y P s g a s o B dent self-esteem, and social movements justify their programs in the e l f o o e r h name of gay pride, black pride, and the like. It might seem, therefore, P T e t t t a e i u that Christians in the “people helping” professions are caught between c o r T s s W. incompatible perspectives. As Christians, they have been taught that A e g pride is a vice; as professionals, they have been trained to view


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