Voith Torque Converter, Starting System for Gas …(福伊特液力变矩器、起动系统加油u2026).pdf

Voith Torque Converter, Starting System for Gas …(福伊特液力变矩器、起动系统加油u2026).pdf

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Voith Torque Converter, Starting System for Gas …(福伊特液力变矩器、起动系统加油u2026)

Voith Torque Converter Starting System for Gas Turbines Variable-Speed Drives We are the experts in hydrodynamic variable-speed drives at Voith Turbo. Voith Turbo, the specialist for hydrodynamic drive, coupling and braking systems for road, rail and industrial applications, as well as for ship propulsion systems, is a Group Division of Voith GmbH. Voith sets standards in the markets energy, oil gas, paper, raw materials and transporta- tion automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith employs almost 40 000 people, generates Euro 5.2 billion in sales, operates in about 50 countries around the world and is today one of the biggest family-owned companies in Europe. Reliability Availability: Choosing the right system is important Gas turbines are often started several times a day. Choosing the right starting system will affect the start-up reliability of the gas turbine. Voith supplies torque converters to all leading gas tur- bine manufacturers and their licensees, to start gas turbines ranging in power from 20 to 270 MW. The combination of an induction We believe no other starting system matches the 35-year design life of motor with a Voith torque converter or method equals the reliability and the Voith torque converter; and this is synonymous with trouble free availability of the Voith torque con- comes with a guaranteed availability start-ups, high reliability, and long verter starting system. Our excep- of parts and service matching the service life. More than 3 500 gas tionally high MTBF (mean time be- life of our machines. The compact turbine starters worldwide is out- tween failure) leads to a statistical and rigid design offers trouble free standing evidence of our experience reliability of 99.97 %. We also know operation while maintenance expen- and know-how in this area. of no other starting system that ses are at a minimum.


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