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Unit3 SectionA 知识巩固训练 一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子 1. I want to buy some books. Could you tell me where the nearest b_______ is? 2. Nick and I both like collecting s_______. 3. P_______ me! What did you say just now? 4. The teacher gave me some _______ (建议)on how to learn English. 5. The sun rises in the e_______ and sets in the west. 6. The word “washroom” has the same meaning as “r_______”. 7. There is a beautiful lake _______ (在附近)our school. 8. Tim is _______ (想知道)if there’s a bank in the shopping center. 9. My brother has collected about one hundred _______ (明信片)since two years ago. 10. Don’t _______ (仓促),or you may have an accident. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I’m really hungry. Let’s stop to have something _______ (eat) 2. There is a washroom on the _______ (two) floor. 3. Could you tell me how _______ (get) to the amusement park? 4. We were ____ (excite) to hear that our team won the soccer game 5. The restaurant is always busy at that time, so come a little _____( early) to get a table. 6. What about going to the Moonlight Restaurant? It ______ (serve ) delicious food. 7. Could you tell me when the supermarket _______ (close) every day? 三、用适当的介词填空 1. Take the lift ____ the fourth floor. There is a coffee bar the fourth floor. 2. Go ____ the bridge and you will see the flower shop. 3. Walk ____ Wenhua Road ____ the second crossing. Then turn right, and you can see the library ____ your left. 4. We can’t see the cat because it hides ____ the door. 5. You can start ____ small things. Then small things can turn into big ones. 6. He is so tall that you can see him easily ____ the crowds. 7. —Where’s the hospital? —It’s ____ the movie theater and the clothes shop. 四、单项选择 ( ) 1. If you want to know more ____, you can visit our website. A. information B. Suggestion C. idea D. festival ( ) 2. —Excuse me. Where is the drugstore? —Go to the third floor. It’s ____ the supermarket ____ the gift shop. A. from; to B. among; and C. between; and D. in; on ( ) 3.


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