analysis of the new situation under the enrollment publicity ideas(分析新形势下招生宣传的想法).doc

analysis of the new situation under the enrollment publicity ideas(分析新形势下招生宣传的想法).doc

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analysis of the new situation under the enrollment publicity ideas(分析新形势下招生宣传的想法)

Analysis of the new situation under the Enrollment Publicity ideas Abstract: With the development of higher education in China and the social changes in the situation, college students competition increasingly fierce, how to do the work of College Enrollment in the new situation, this paper starting from the enrollment hierarchy of needs theory, on the Student Market segmentation, the establishment of relationship marketing, brand marketing to maintain long-term mechanism of the problem are discussed. Thesis Keywords: Enrollment and market segmentation, relationship marketing, the overall planning An enrollment hierarchy of needs theory Enrollment hierarchy of needs theory, is in accordance with the actual situation of the Institute enrollment needs to be divided into five, like a ladder from low to high, according to the level gradually ascending, namely: enrollment on school survival needs, admissions requirements on the development of the Institute, the Institute increase enrollment in school quality needs, the needs of the College of brand development, colleges to build first-class universities. why our colleges and universities to study enrollment hierarchy of needs theory, because only clear the level of development of the Institute’s needs and which can develop the most College enrollment demand publicity programs to meet the enrollment demand throughout the overall process of recruiting activities, through the effective implementation in order to achieve the overall goal of the development of the Institute. Enrollment and goal-setting (A clear understanding of the situation, set goals: a school enrollment publicity work must be based on the school in the professional features of the school, the direction of running, the overall plan, enrollment plan, fully understand and grasp the reference to the hierarchy of needs theory first work out the purpose of enrollment publicity, enrollment goals, some more admissions source, and some want to



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