2011年计算机等级考试三级网络复习资料(Computer rank examination three level network review material 2011).doc

2011年计算机等级考试三级网络复习资料(Computer rank examination three level network review material 2011).doc

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2011年计算机等级考试三级网络复习资料(Computer rank examination three level network review material 2011)

2011年计算机等级考试三级网络复习资料(Computer rank examination three level network review material 2011) A data: The main technical factors that determine the LAN is: network topology, transmission medium and medium access control method. LAN from the media access control method for shared medium LAN and switched lan. Bus LAN medium access control mode is shared medium. Medium access control method is to control multiple nodes using a common transmission medium to send and receive data method. According to the definition of star topology, there is the center node in a star topology, each node between the point and point line and center node connection, communication between any two nodes to transfer through the center node. Ordinary share star topology does not exist in the local area network media. But LAN system to exchange CBX as the center of the center of the LAN can be classified as star network topology. Three kinds of twisted pair line bandwidth is 16MHz, suitable for 10MHz data. 4 types of 20MHz. Voice。 5 types of 100MHz, and can support the 155MHz asynchronous transfer mode ATM. The main way for sharing media access control: 1 carrier sense multiple access with collision detection method CSMA/CD. 2 token bus (TOKEN BUS). 3 token ring method (TOKEN RING). IEEE802. LAN shared 2 standard defines three types: The CSMA/CD 1 medium access control methods of bus lan. Bus LAN using TOKEN BUS 2 medium access control methods. Ring LAN 3 using TOKEN RING medium access control methods. ETHERNET (Ethernet) is the core technology for its use of random medium access method CSMA/CD medium access control method. The earliest use of random access technology of University of Hawaii campus network. CSMA/CD the sending process can be simply summarized as 1 to listen to the first 2 while listening to the 3 stop after 4 random retransmission delay conflict. Collision detection is sent at the transmitting node and transmits the signal waveform and the received waveform comparison. TOKEN BUS (tok



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