analysis- play virtual reality video site fads or quasi-pulse number-(分析-玩虚拟现实视频网站时尚或quasi-pulseu2014u2014数量).doc

analysis- play virtual reality video site fads or quasi-pulse number-(分析-玩虚拟现实视频网站时尚或quasi-pulseu2014u2014数量).doc

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analysis- play virtual reality video site fads or quasi-pulse number-(分析-玩虚拟现实视频网站时尚或quasi-pulseu2014u2014数量)

Analysis: play virtual reality video site fads or quasi-pulse number? What (to free download News) 3D movies count? Steven Spielberg has been making movies using virtual reality technology. VR (VirtualReality, virtual reality) video technology has understated enter iQIYI, one group (Youku potatoes) and other mainstream video site’s research and development matrix. This stylish technology applications, or will become the major video sites redrawing the site of the watershed. ‘First Financial Daily’ reporter recently held in the Shanghai World Expo Park potato image season (potatoes produced video interactive media show from the bottom line) learned that the first use of VR technology potato which will conduct 360-degree panoramic shot. And not long ago Youku potatoes officially changed its name to one group, it had announced to enter the field of video production VR. In addition, YouTube this year has begun to support VR video uploads; iQIYI early last year to test the water for VR research and development, but the product is still in beta stage. According to this reporter learned that the popularity of 360-degree panoramic video, involving shooting, video codecs, compression algorithms, bandwidth, support, VR helmets and other terminal equipment of universal broadcast a series of links, popularity may be short-term It is small. One group (Youku potatoes) chairman and CEO Victor Koo August 16 to accept the ‘First Financial Daily’ reporters said, and now at home and abroad for the virtual reality industry talk more VR helmets and other hardware, but in the future drive VR hardware must be content, one group will provide value-added services for product end users who have VR shooting equipment. No mature VR video on-line Currently, VR video content has been Hollywood’s favor, some of the directors began to try and hardware companies to make immersive movie. With the audience in the cinema wearing 3D glasses to watch compared to only one direct



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