analysis of university economics teacher management thinking(分析大学经济学教师管理思想).doc

analysis of university economics teacher management thinking(分析大学经济学教师管理思想).doc

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analysis of university economics teacher management thinking(分析大学经济学教师管理思想)

Analysis of university economics teacher management thinking [Paper Keywords] competitive college-owned assets management school [Abstract] college teacher management related to the school’s long-term development and competitiveness improvement. This paper analyzes the status and problems of university faculty management based on the use of economic principles, combined with the reflection of reality, some university teachers on Management of . A university level of education depends largely on the overall quality of the school teachers, teachers of the school is hing, is the source of innovation in the teacher training standards related to quality, to some extent determines the level of colleges and universities and development potential. college teachers make poor management and competitive advantages of the core subjects are affected, the school’s reputation and social acceptance decreased. Colleges and universities to reduce and prevent brain drain, drawing on human resources management, from the perspective of human resources, to attract more and better talent, good teachers and management services, and promote better and faster development of the school, teachers resources development and use is a long process, colleges and universities to develop long-term goals based on their talent incentive mechanism to determine the location and direction of strengthening the human resource management mechanism, to establish an effective incentive and competition mechanism of human resources. First, the management status of university teachers Increasing the flow of college talent, the brain drain problem mainly in the talent shortage on the one hand, to go abroad to Jobs, the other internal brain drain, such as a lot of good teachers, the loss of young scholars abroad, economically less developed areas The flow of outstanding teachers colleges and universities along the coast or cities, although some teachers worked in schools, but mainly on the energy



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