analysis of the status quo in education of our young people and countermeasures(教育现状的分析我们的年轻人和对策).doc

analysis of the status quo in education of our young people and countermeasures(教育现状的分析我们的年轻人和对策).doc

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analysis of the status quo in education of our young people and countermeasures(教育现状的分析我们的年轻人和对策)

Analysis of the status quo in education of our young people and Countermeasures Net write papers: Paper Keywords: youth education status measures Abstract: China’s ‘education’ strategy put forward is sufficient to reflect the national importance of science and technology education, science and technology education of our young people which presented a huge challenge, but from a practical point of view, present, many schools in this area lack the understanding This paper will focus on the analysis of the education of young people in the new situation of the main problems, and analyze the relevant countermeasures. With the era of knowledge economy, science and technology development has become an important driving force of human life. Youngsters as the future builders of the motherland, in the era of highly competitive science and technology background can assume full revival of the Chinese nation in the 21st century task, we must rely on its overall quality. so good grasp of young people in education, training young scientific and technological awareness and technological capability is particularly important. A young science and technology education content Science and technology education, science and technology education is short, referring to enhance people’s scientific knowledge and improve people’s skills to cultivate the ability of applied science and technology education is the core of young people in education and technological quality of education, education on the basis of scientific knowledge awareness of young technology and scientific abilities, as the main form of school education, including university science and engineering education, vocational and technical education, primary and secondary science education, vocational training, remedial education, technology, science and technology to education and science education. 2 Analysis of China Youth Science and Technology Education ‘Education’ strategy as China’s basic national policy of



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