blカルタ(受け)鸟海浩辅(BL receiving 鸟海 Hiroshi 辅 Carta.).doc

blカルタ(受け)鸟海浩辅(BL receiving 鸟海 Hiroshi 辅 Carta.).doc

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blカルタ(受け)鸟海浩辅(BL receiving 鸟海 Hiroshi 辅 Carta.)

blカルタ(受け)鸟海浩辅(BL receiving 鸟海 Hiroshi 辅 Carta.) BL receiving card. Our heartfelt thanks to the completion of purchasing 這次 saturated Katsu (tile) , , start cooking now, please use the landlord in compliance with regulations , open heart 一起地玩兒哦. The first , first , carnival, one family friend who 數吧 Minato Qi. Good BL Ryo carnival, people also like to call on the second , 這張 draft any number CD sowing. As the story is not 這麼 ,. On the 會有 bizarre in the vicinity 氣氛 飄散 , just call me 找出 寫著 Dai (Institute of lexical 一個字相同的那張牌 first need is luck , 氣好 找到 Ryos story, , 聲喊 Issei 這兒! , 一把抽出那張牌 , I love you 趁機 喊 out I love you, give me my wife was kana problem is the sun. Is iabeling. KAT-TUN,... It has 一件事忘了說 , machine has 會只 tertiary , , unnecessary 慌 , add oil. My 咯 Na , start. I only need you,. The other man was immediately put on hold in excess , 這世 I only like you. 03,... Please I need 捉弄. Just the sum in my heart 會長 Kazuki , on saturated with saturated with 跳個 stop on the main line is not free , le... The trouble dead end... Next, put some 說過 , I only like you. Mana 麼懷 false story on the body , for confirmation from kana! The high 很不 錯呢 Qing arrogant. Practice has , masayori is for you, my old 會被 templated , suction. 06, my heart is 這麼 晚了 很擔 , come against you. Love has got general enlightenment for 點難 ne... Templated image... The 輸了 thoroughly. Is true... On the 這麼 zenme summary on small pieces about Ryo KAT-TUN,... The old... The age of 沒覺 get 舒服 ne... An enlightenment from 啦 , 舒服 unnecessary 咬我 ear 朵啊 笨蛋... 09, holding, give me all your , KAT-TUN! Its my own possession ,! The frame construction is impossible! My point is you 疼的 talk , 疼 I get 會覺! Ryo: do I know? The denial of my ability is not so difficult. My boss Yayu themselves to dignity. 12, as we come to love. 點快 points. 羞了 unnecessary harm to come to , 這邊 kana The 噓 please point to rest. The expression is essential in our country this translation is difficult to , 嘛 會很! And I love you! Love you, love you! Onc



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