Analysis of the causes of corporate financing and risk control strategies(企业融资的原因分析和风险控制策略).doc

Analysis of the causes of corporate financing and risk control strategies(企业融资的原因分析和风险控制策略).doc

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Analysis of the causes of corporate financing and risk control strategies(企业融资的原因分析和风险控制策略)

Analysis of the causes of corporate financing and risk control strategies Financing risk is one of the major risks facing enterprises, financing risks can not be eliminated or avoided, but starting from their own business as long as you can control this risk in the analysis of the causes of corporate financing, based on the proposed corporate financing risk control strategy. First, the causes of risk financing 1 internal risk financing analysis. (1) debt too large. Large-scale corporate debt, the interest expenses increased, due to lower revenue solvency or bankruptcy caused by the loss of the possibility of increasing the same time, the higher the proportion of debt, the company’s financial leverage [= EBIT ?(EBIT - interest)] greater shareholder returns greater magnitude of change, so the larger the debt, the greater the financial risk. (2) inappropriate capital structure, which refers to the total amount of venture carpital and borrowed capital in the equity capital ratio of inappropriate negative impact on earnings and the formation of financial risk. The greater the proportion of borrowed capital enterprise, the higher the debt ratio, financial leverage the greater the financial risk associated with the resulting greater. rational use of debt financing, a good ratio between debt capital and equity capital ratio between consolidated capital for enterprises to reduce costs, access to financial leverage and reduced financial risk is very critical. (3) the inappropriate choice of financing is currently in China, where companies can choose the financing are bank loans, issuing shares, bonds, finance leases and commercial credit. Different methods of financing at different times have their own advantages and drawbacks, if you choose not appropriate, additional costs will increase business, reduce the company’s share of interest, affect the cash flow and the formation of financial risk. (4) the interest rate debt in the same size unde



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