Analysis- Sina microblogging long tail marketing strategy entered a substantive stage(分析-新浪微博长尾营销战略进入了实质性的阶段).doc

Analysis- Sina microblogging long tail marketing strategy entered a substantive stage(分析-新浪微博长尾营销战略进入了实质性的阶段).doc

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Analysis- Sina microblogging long tail marketing strategy entered a substantive stage(分析-新浪微博长尾营销战略进入了实质性的阶段)

Analysis: Sina microblogging long tail marketing strategy entered a substantive stage Product analysis: the fans, based on bids made #8203;#8203;by specialty March 14 meeting of foreign Sina Weibo launches, the first disclosure of information flow of foreign advertising, that “fan pass” offer. Currently Weibo advertising of the information flow using two charging modes: CPM and CPE, respectively, exposure, and Interactive volume billing. Advertisers can set a budget limit. charges according to the number of impressions that each active fans saw an ad, 5 yuan per thousand, according to the degree of interaction fans pay PPC, interactive forms including forwarding, collection, click on links, plus interest, costs effective interaction upset every 0.5 yuan, 0.01 yuan in accordance with each bid the price increases. Commercialization stage shift the focus from the brand advertising display advertising to information flow 2012 microblogging annual advertising revenue of about $ 51 million, accounting for Sina annual revenue accounted for 9.6% .2012 microblogging platform to demonstrate the kind of advertising or advertising-based, information flow is only in advertising prior to this test phase. Sina Q2 2012 earnings report for the first time disclosed microblogging advertising revenue in the quarter about 80 advertisers, of which about 80% of the original brand advertisers, other new advertisers .2012 mainly from the luxury goods industry, etc. brand advertising dominated the second half of the case is continuing .2012 end and early 2013, Sina Weibo has launched the “fans headline” and “fan pass”, will focus gradually shifted from the traditional brand display advertising to be more suitable for long-tail advertisers information flow advertising metastasis. Small advertisers become Sina microblogging “Blue Ocean” Sina portal as a veteran representative of its traditional advertising sales are mainly concentrated in the big brand customers. Sina Weib



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