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32 1 ( ) Vol 32 N o 1 2007 2 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Feb 2007 1 2 1 1 吕彤 , 姜 炜, 杜开封 , 吴赞敏 ( 1 , 300 160; 2 , 300070) : 选用了不同类型的表面活性剂作为模板剂合成磷酸铝介孔分子筛, 实验结果表 , 脂肪胺 模板剂的浓度不会影响分子筛介孔相构型, 介孔分子筛的孔径随烷基胺的链长增加而增大, 其比 表面积均达到了200m2 / g 以上 类型相同的表面活性剂作模板剂时, 分子筛的孔径和比表面积 并不随其浓度增加而增加 所合成的磷酸铝分子筛TG 和DTA 曲线表 , 磷酸铝分子筛在 850 以前具有一定的热稳定性 : 介孔分子筛; 表面活性剂; 脂肪胺; 模板剂 : O 617 2 : A : 1007- 855X ( 2007) 01- 0019 - 04 Sythesis ofAlum inophosphateMesostructuredMolecular Sieve by Surfactants 1 2 1 1 LV Tong , J AI NG W e i, DU Ka ifeng , W U Za nm in ( 1 Schoo l o f M ater ia l Sc ience and Chem ical Eng ineering, T ian jin Po lytechnic U ninersity, T ian jin 300160, Ch ina; 2 D ep artm ent o f Chem istry, T ian jin M edical U niversity, T ian jin 300070, China) Abstract: D ifferente types o f the surfactant are selected as tem plate synthesized m esostru ctured a lum inophos phate T he test result show s that aliphat ic am ine concentration of tem plate does no t l no t affect the m esostru ctured phase configuration, and the pore diam eter o f m o lecu lar sieve increases w ith the grow th of clain lengt and both 2 specific areas reach m ore th an 200 m / g W hen the sam e typ e o f surfactan t is used as the tem plate, the pore d i am eter of m o lecular sieve and sp ecif ic area do not increase along w ith its concentration rise T he TG and DTA of synthetic m esostru ctured a lum inophosph ate show s th at there is heat s


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