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柚子(grapefruit) Username: Password: login linesinine a dream life as dream home Life is but a dream. blog album | personal files | friends see article The selection and use of grapefruit peel (citrus peel, beauty and delicacy) October 15, 2007 Monday afternoon 01:30 grapefruit big secret Now, grapefruit is on the market again, Grapefruit nutritional value is very high, more grapefruit in winter can reduce anger and inhibit oral ulcers. Grapefruit contains a physiological active substance called naringin, which can reduce blood viscosity and reduce thrombosis, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. Grapefruit is sour, cold and non-toxic. With a gas line, promoting digestion, removing phlegm, detoxification and analgesic function. Grapefruit in Compendium of Materia Medica in the record, to the stomach in the diet, smells, detoxification, cure drinkers tone, do not think of food and mouth, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough, and made tea with grapefruit agent in ancient China and other countries, Japan and South Korea have this habit. In the modern concept, citron tea also has the effect of beauty, because ah, grapefruit is rich in VC, lemon and more than three times! And contains very rich essential protein, organic acids, vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and other elements of the human body. Modern medicine believes that grapefruit contains a physiological active substances, called naringin, can reduce blood viscosity, reduce thrombosis. Therefore, eating grapefruit can promote wound healing, have better prevention effect on sepsis and cerebral thrombosis, stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases, especially suitable for the elderly to eat. Fresh pomelo meat is an ideal food for diabetics because it contains insulin like ingredients. It can promote appetite, cure indigestion and other diseases, regulating qi and dispersing stasis. Grapefruit selection But the same is grapefruit, taste is quite different, how can choose sweet juicy grap


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