初中化学基本概念和重要物质(Basic concepts and important substances of junior middle school chemistry).doc

初中化学基本概念和重要物质(Basic concepts and important substances of junior middle school chemistry).doc

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初中化学基本概念和重要物质(Basic concepts and important substances of junior middle school chemistry)

初中化学基本概念和重要物质(Basic concepts and important substances of junior middle school chemistry) Basic concepts and important substances of junior middle school chemistry I. Basic Concepts and basic theories 1. physical changes: no changes in other substances are called physical changes. 2. chemical change: changes in the formation of other substances, this change is called chemical change. 3. chemical properties: the properties of substances in chemical changes are called chemical properties. 4. physical properties: materials do not need to occur chemical changes of the properties shown, such as color, state, odor, melting point, boiling point, hardness, density, etc., called physical properties. 5. standard condition: when the temperature is 0 degrees and the pressure is 101.325 kPa. 6. catalyst: a chemical reaction that changes the rate of reaction of other substances in a chemical reaction. The mass and chemical properties of the material are not changed before or after chemical reactions. They are called catalysts (or catalysts). 7. catalysis: the role of a catalyst in a chemical reaction is called catalysis. 8. basic reaction types: Combination reaction: the reaction of two or more substances to form another substance, called a combination reaction, two. The reaction of two or more than two substances produced by one substance, called a decomposition reaction. Displacement reaction: the reaction of a simple substance with a compound to produce another substance and another compound is called a displacement reaction. Metathesis: the reaction of two compounds by exchanging components to produce two other compounds, called metathesis. 9. oxidation reduction reaction, oxidant, reducing agent Oxidation: the chemical reaction of matter with oxygen is called oxidation. Reduction reaction: the oxygen in a oxygenated compound is taken up by oxygen, which is called a reduction reaction. Oxidation-reduction reaction: the reaction of a substance to be oxidized while another subst


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