2008年成人高考高起点语文试题及答案(Chinese language examination questions and answers for adult college entrance examination in 2008).doc

2008年成人高考高起点语文试题及答案(Chinese language examination questions and answers for adult college entrance examination in 2008).doc

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2008年成人高考高起点语文试题及答案(Chinese language examination questions and answers for adult college entrance examination in 2008)

2008年成人高考高起点语文试题及答案(Chinese language examination questions and answers for adult college entrance examination in 2008) In 2008, the adult higher schools enrolled in the national unified examination A, (18 points, 3 points for each item) 1, the following words and phrases, the pronunciation is not the same as one A, dark dumb rhymes be cast into the shade B, mobilize carving dense The people live in destitution. C, a little cynical endings thinned to the bone D, discouraging sniper leasing, looks dejected 2, the following groups of words, there is a typo A, accounting for Nestle Mojianjiezhong Molina Zen Wei anthracene B, a rough time Mo worry was punished C, Zhang Hongwei and qinggemanwu demolish with penetrating criticism D, the problem involved in the work a crushing deficit far fetched 3. Fill in the words in the following lines, and the correct one is (1) the relevant regulations suggest that banks pay large amounts of cash to remote credit card users and need to be given the bank where the issuing bank is located. (2) in order to change the passive situation and resume production as soon as possible, the factory decided that some of the engineers and technicians who had just retired. (3) to live in poor economic conditions of the regions survivors of martyrs, the local government should fulfill the obligation, to comfort the souls of the martyrs. A has been authorized to bring up the B and authorize the maintenance C, authorized to bring up D, authorize the introduction of custody 4, the following sentence, add some idioms, use the incorrect one is A, Kang Youwei and other reformers that the conservative government of the Qing Dynasty if we do not change policy, 1898, the whole country is in danger of being carved up by Western powers. B, since mid June, the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock market all the way down, the situation is really formidable, is to China stock market future hold a cold sweat. C, no one had expected, after the factory crash, family breakdown



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