广州九条短线精品骑行路线(Guangzhou nine short-term boutique riding route).doc

广州九条短线精品骑行路线(Guangzhou nine short-term boutique riding route).doc

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广州九条短线精品骑行路线(Guangzhou nine short-term boutique riding route)

广州九条短线精品骑行路线(Guangzhou nine short-term boutique riding route) Here are some of the best rides in Guangzhou. Although you may have already been there, do you have the time to do so or can you repeat them?. 1. Southern China Botanical Garden Southern China botanical garden is the longest history, the largest species and the largest area of South Subtropical Botanical Garden in china. The plants grow in the garden, along the cement road walk while oxygen, very lazy exotic tropical vacation. Route: difficulty. Landscape index: assumes (rare tropical plants style) Recommender comments: wedding photos of hot spots, we can see the scenery here is good. Suitable for a leisurely vacation in this size, understanding of nature, science education. Car rental point: pigeon square has a car rental point (after entering the main entrance, walk to the right, cross the bridge to a white office building in front of the canteen near). There are two people, three people bike rental. Surrounding fun: Southern China botanical garden, a large number of ornamental plants, tickets 20 yuan / sheet (starting price, previously 10 yuan). Longdong Qilin is the botanical garden landmark attractions, also for the Yangcheng eight scenic spots one. Qi Lin Xuan restaurant on the water side landscape edge dinner. In addition, there are paintball, field clubs, fishing, childrens amusement parks, orienteering and other fun projects. 2. doctor hill Forest Park Dr. Hill does not need tickets, from Guangzhou city near, convenient transportation, the most suitable for a spring outing fun. South gate to the north gate between the winding cement road, is the most popular bicycle hiking oxygen inhalation route. Riding a bike in the park as a means of transport, shuttle tour attractions, but also very convenient. Route: difficulty. Landscape index: * * * (suburban forest) Recommendation comment: walk along the winding mountain The curved concrete road, slightly downhill, is very fun to ride. Car rental informat



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