道医教你8个受益一生的养生急救穴,要牢记(They teach you 8 lifelong health emergency points to keep in mind.).doc

道医教你8个受益一生的养生急救穴,要牢记(They teach you 8 lifelong health emergency points to keep in mind.).doc

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道医教你8个受益一生的养生急救穴,要牢记(They teach you 8 lifelong health emergency points to keep in mind.)

道医教你8个受益一生的养生急救穴,要牢记(They teach you 8 lifelong health emergency points to keep in mind.) They teach you 8 lifelong health emergency points to keep in mind. 1, the treatment of shock, pinch pressure, the middle point Stimulates the human middle point to have the high blood pressure, the excited breath center function. When a stroke, heat stroke, poisoning, allergies, sudden coma, respiratory arrest, blood pressure drops, shock and so on, the use of the tip of thumb pinch pressure patients, the middle point can play a first aid role. The middle point, located at the midpoint of the nasolabial sulcus, is an important first aid point. The madness seizures, stroke coma, infantile convulsion, swelling of the face, strong back pain. We often say pinch the man, which is the most frequently used sentence when a person faints. Of course, pinch people is only a simple emergency measures, but also in time to contact the hospital and further rescue, so as not to delay the disease. 2. Stop the nose and knead the heel When the nose bleeds, immediately use the thumb and forefinger to knead the heel (between the ankle joint and the foot calcaneus), the left nose bleeds, pinches the right foot to follow, the right nose bleeds, pinches the left foot heel, about 3 minutes may stop the nosebleed. 3, cough, acupressure, less commercial point The less merchant points are on the outside of the thumb and away from the corner of the nail. When coughing, the thumb and index finger can be used to press the lower quotient cavity until the soreness is felt, which can stop the cough. In addition to massage, there is a stimulating method for the less merchant acupoints, which is pricking blood therapy. A small trader is a well point, where bloodletting can relieve sore throats. This is because the lung is afraid of heat and is fond of cool. Less bleeding is equivalent to taking blood lead to overheating of the lung, lung is a cool world. When the first needle pricking blood, and skin disinfection



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